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CAD tip CAD tip # 7249:

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How to select all drawing entities containing a given text?

A - answer To select text objects containing a given text string, use the QSELECT command, choose the object type Text (or Mtext), the property Contents and the operator "* Wildcards". In the field Value then enter the searched text including the wildcard charactes - e.g. *123* selects all text entities containing the string "123"; or A* selects all texts starting with "A" (uppercase).

Similarly you can use the FILTER command and its filter value Text, value and type the text mask in the field X.

Of course you can also use the LISP expression for filtered selection set of objects - e.g. again the texts starting with "A":

(ssget"_X" '((0 . "*TEXT")(1 . "A*")))
100% *  CAD 
9.3.2010    15520×  
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applies to: AutoCAD · AutoCAD Architecture ·

See also:
Tip 13749:How to add the SEARCH/REPLACE command into AutoCAD Web?
Tip 13139:How to insert a new line into multiline text in the Find/Replace command?
Tip 12421:Wrong units in an imported DXF file.
Tip 9265:RENAME on steroids - complex renaming of AutoCAD objects (blocks, layers...)
Tip 7892:How to find blocks with an empty (not-filled-in) attribute?

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